Pantone 2017 Kato Polyclay Recipes
All these recipes refer to equal parts. The pictures show a part being 1/16th of a block of Kato Polyclay. Cut a block in half along the longer side and each bar is 1/16th
Flame – 3 yellow, 1 magenta, 1 pearl
Greenery – 4 yellow, 1/2 blue, 1/4 magenta, 1/4 pearl
Kale – 4 yellow, 3 blue, 1 black, 1/4 pearl
Primrose yellow – 5 yellow, 1/2 magenta, 1/2 pearl
Pink – 5 magenta, 1/2 yellow, 1/2 pearl
Niagara – 4 blue, 2 magenta, 1/2 pearl
Lapis Blue – 5 blue, 1/2 black, 1 pearl, 1/4 magenta
Island – 3 white, 1 blue, 2 pearl
For the Colour Block Feather – stack squares and then cut as shown
Turquoise Recipe for Peacock Feather – 6 white, 5 turquoise, 1 green